Friday, March 11, 2011


We purchased the frog potty! Parker loves it. He has used it frequently for #1 and last night he actually did #2 on it! I was so proud of him and I think he was a little shocked! I happened to have walked out of the bathroom because he was in there playing and was supposed to be tee teeing before bed. I heard him grunt and I ran in there. He was standing and looked at me and pointed and said Momma I poo poo in the frog potty (with a confused tone). I started saying yay and getting all excited so he knew it was ok. Then I did the poo poo dance (a friend at work swears that it works) for him. He kept telling me to do it again and Hopefully we are the right track and will be without diapers in no time =)
Last Saturday I laid him down for a nap and noticed about 30 minutes later that he was still awake and in there talking. I decided to go check on him, because I knew his movie had been off for a while. I walk into the room and immediately smell poop. I look on the floor and see Parker's pants. Then notice he is standing on his knees at the head of his crib with no diaper on. Ad I get closer I see two (no better way to put it) turds in the middle of his bed! I was horrified! I was like Parker, why did you do this? Where is your diaper. He said on the changing table (just that clear too). I was just in shock! So i get all that cleaned up and his diaper and pants back on and lay him back down and he went right on to sleep! Oh and he also pointed to "it" and said what's that momma? UGH! I was NOT very happy about this! So Sunday morning I got in the shower before he got up and by the time I got out he was awake. When I go into his room, again no diaper! No poop, but also no diaper! That is when I decided that he was going to wear big boy underwear the rest of the day (while at home). He did really good all day pulling down his underwear and going to the potty. I was so proud of him! Well, Monday night (I think) he did not go to bed as soon as he got in there, he played a little. By the time I get in bed he is starting to wind down and I hear his show go off and I am pretty sure he is asleep, but I was too lazy to go turn his TV off. So I wake up at 3AM to go to the bathroom and see the light light from the TV under his door. I go in there and see his pants on the floor. walk over to his bed and he has NO diaper on!!! WHAT??? and of course he bed and shirt and everything else is nice and wet! I get him all changed along with the bedding and go back to bed. So with all of that in the last several days, I am very anxious to get him potty trained!!!
Less than a month until Danny's graduation! I am so excited to go see him and to see him graduate into a Soldier! I couldn't be more proud of him! He seems to be doing really good! His platoon has won several competitions. He said if they win more they will get recognition at graduation. I sent him a couple of the pics of Parker that he had done at school. I just printed them off of the computer. He wrote me and said he could not believe how big he has gotten. He said he almost cried when he saw them. :( Parker is going to be so happy to see him! I can not wait to see the expression on his face! The part I will hate is when we have to leave him again for 12 more weeks. But hopefully during those weeks we will be able to talk more and maybe even Skype or something.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

a month later

So since my last post I have received numerous letters from Danny and have been able to talk to him on Sunday's and was able to talk to him all day President's day. He seems to be enjoying it a lot more now. He told me this past Sunday that they have moved out of the red phase and into the white phase. So he was pretty excited about that. Apparently red phase is the worst, because that is the one where the drill sergeants are constantly in your face yelling at you! In a little over a month he will graduate! His graduation day is still set for April 8th. He will have family day on Thursday, graduate on Friday and fly to Virginia on Saturday. We can not wait to see him!!
Parker is getting so big and smart! It amazes me the things he can remember! This past weekend we went to Teresa and Kelly's for a visit and Teresa had a jewelry party. On Saturday I was laying down with Parker before the party to try and get him to go to sleep. He was doing everything he could to stay awake! I had my eyes closed so he would think I was asleep and I would try not to answer his numerous questions he kept asking me. Then I hear him singing Itsy Bitsy Spider. I open my eyes and he is doing hand motions and all. (I sang this to him all the time when he was little, now he will not let me) He got through the whole song and looked over at me and I had to tell him how good he did. I was so proud of him. We haven't sang that song in a long time and for him to remember it, I was amazed. Of course he could be hearing it at daycare...but I like to think he is just a genius!! =) I have also heard him count to ten several times! He will repeat anything you say to him....or at least try. For the most party I can understand what he is saying. He is just growing up so fast!
I picked him up last week from school and they had done pictures that day. The photographer was all set up in their room. He kept telling me there was a football over there. I had no idea what he was talking about and was in a hurry because we were going to Church. He is always talking about balls, so it didn't dawn on me that he was telling me that he had taken a picture with a football. The picture company provided all of the clothes and props for the kids. They did such a wonderful job! In the pictures you can tell he was having the best time! I can not wait to get them scanned so you can all see. They turned out really good!
Still not potty trained! He wants nothing to do with our potty at home or his potty. I think I am going to get him a frog potty and see if that will get him more excited about it. When we walk past them in Wal-Mart he is all about we'll see. I just know that I am ready to be done with diapers!!! I guess I am going to have to commit a weekend to following him around with big boy underwear on and no diaper asking him if he needs to potty. They are working with him at school as well. I think he will potty there. It's something about our house...haha

Monday, February 14, 2011


This is supposed to be after the other pics
since this was the final result of playing in the snow!

Parker and the neighbor's dog Buster

He was saying Buster where are you?
bc I told him not to throw them at

Gotta love his outfit!

Danny was able to call me yesterday! YAY! It was so good to hear his voice and the excitement in it. He seemed very upbeat and happy. I had received several letters previous to yesterday's phone call and a letter for Parker. He was able to call me last Saturday to give me his address, but we were only able to talk for about 3 minutes. Just enough time to give me the address. So when I started getting letters from him I was so happy. I started writing them immediately as well. Yesterday he said he hasn't received any of my letters but has received the valentines day card I sent him. I hope he gets my letters soon, because one of them has a couple of pictures of Parker in it. The letter for Parker he sent was a bit of a tear jerker! I couldn't hardly read it to Parker without crying and Danny told me later in another letter that he had to quit writing because he was balling! We are ready to see him day before graduation day! I got a letter from his captain saying if all goes as planned graduation will be April 8th.
Parker has had a couple of snow days from school which has made me have a couple from work. The first one we didn't really get any snow, mostly just ice. The second time (a week later) we got a little snow. He has a good time making snow balls and throwing them at the dogs. When we came in from playing in the snow, he cried and said his socks hurt. I am assuming his feet were thawing out and it hurt...because that's what mine were doing. Poor fella! He didn't want anything to do with lunch. He just wanted me to hold him, then I got him a pillow and let him take his nap on the couch.
Yesterday after Church and nap time we went to Walmart for groceries and vday cards for his classmates. It was a mad house! I don't know why I do that to myself, but we survived. I had not thought about putting P in something red to wear to school until yesterday so I went to check out the shirts in Walmart. I found a cute red button up and the 3T didn't have a tag so I got another one with the tag for the cashier to scan. Once we got to the register and I had already ran to the frozen section as she rang stuff up because one of my items was open, she tried to ring up the shirt and it says they are unable to sale, because there is a recall. I was so frustrated! Why are they still out on the shelves if there is a recall??? So needless to say poor P is wearing a red St Louis Cardinals tshirt today, because that is the only red shirt we have that fits him. Of course he still looked cute, but I wanted him to be festive!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 1

So Parker and I survived the first week of Danny being gone. It hasn't been too bad, because Danny has been able to call and or text every day since he has been there. Right now he is in what they call reception and he said they don't really do much. He leaves that part tomorrow and starts Phase I of basic training. I am pretty sure our phone calls and text will be over other than the Sunday call...maybe. I told him to be sure and write me so I will know his address.
He has been pretty home sick since he has been there. They have not been busy at all so he has time to sit around and think... about wanting to come home. He has had some issues with his blood pressure, but the Dr said it wasn't too bad and that he could go on to the training. He has met a guy from Indiana who has become a pretty good friend to him. He has continued to motivate Danny and remind him of why he joined and just tried to keep his head on straight. I like this guy already!
Parker asks about him everyday, but hasn't cried or anything...thank goodness. The first few days when we came home he would walk in the door and say "where my daddy?" He was used to him always being there when we got home. Now he says "Daddy in Okahoma." He told me Sunday night that he wanted to go home and see his daddy. I had to remind him where he was and he seemed ok with that. He has talked to him a few times on the phone. I know he is ready to see him just as I am. It's looking like it will be early April for his graduation! Not sure of the specific date yet. They have a family day the Thursday before and then graduation on Friday. I am so ready for that day!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The day came...he left for basic training

Danny left yesterday. His friend Doug picked him up around 7 AM as he had to be at the armory at 8. Parker woke up before he left so he went in his room to say bye to him...even though we were coming to the airport. It was really hard for both Danny and I. Parker seemed fine. He would say "you cryin momma?" with his head cocked to the side and a soft sweet voice. I would tell him "yeah, but momma is gonna be ok!" he would just hug me and tell me he was sorry. He also asked "daddy cryin?" I would say the same thing about him being ok too.
Danny called around 9 and said he was flying out at 10:45 and he would be at the airport around 10. So P and I got dressed and headed that way. I ran into lots of people from my work that were headed on business trips. They all flew with Danny to Dallas. They were already going through security by the time I got there, so we didn't have a lot of time. P was running around like normal and Danny decided he better go on through security as well. We said our goodbyes and we watched him at security for a minute but P was restless and wanted to go over and see his daddy, so we left.
Once Danny got to Dallas he had a 6 hour layover. So he called several times while he was at the airport waiting. He made it to OK around 7:30 and got on a bus to Ft Sill. He was able to have his phone until they drove up to the base. He text me at 9:45 to let me know they were pulling up and that he had to turn off his phone. I am not sure when I will talk to him again. I am hoping for Sunday! Yesterday seemed like the longest day! I know Danny must have felt the same.
Please keep Danny in your prayers. From what I have seen and read BT does not look like a walk in the park. I know Danny will do good, but I'm sure he could use some extra prayers. We all could, right. I know I do!
I did take a couple of before pictures yesterday morning and I will post them later.
One quick thing about Parker... He is so "helpful and independent." Last night he told me that he wanted some more milk and I guess I did not get in there quick enough. As I was on my way to the kitchen, he met me half way with the full gallon of milk he has gotten out of the fridge. He also had his cup in the other hand. He is so funny! He also loves to put his plate in the sink once he is done eating. Such a big helper =)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Counting down the days :(

So in a little less than two weeks Danny will be leaving for his basic training in Oklahoma. We will see him at his graduation after about 9 weeks and then he will fly out the next day to Virginia for about 10 more weeks. Saturday he had his weekend drill and all day long Parker asked "where daddy go?" I would say, he went to work. He is going to get really tired of that answer after 5 months of hearing it! I need to get busy and make some videos of them two together and put them on a DVD so Parker can watch them often. He LOVES to look at pictures so I need to take a bunch of pics of them as well and print them out.
Yesterday was an "ice day" for Parker so I got an ice day too. He has been coughing all weekend so I decided that since we were both off/out of school I would take him to the Dr to make sure it didn't get any worse. He was so excited when I told him we were going to the Dr. HA! He was such a big boy when Dr K was listening to his chest. His lungs were clear thank goodness. Then he started looking in his ears and said there was a lot of wax in his left ear. So he goes and gets the nurse to hold him down and his utensil to dig out the wax. P hates this!!! Dr K always lets me know that there is NO WAY I can do this at home. So then he looks at his right ear and it is infected. He did not pull anything out of that ear thank goodness!
We sit down and he tells me the medicines he is going to give him and I ask if he can get a shot to get him better quicker. I hate shots too, but I would much rather hurt for a few minutes to start feeling better than to wait on antibiotics to start working. He said he could give him a shot but he would still have to take an antibiotic. P got a play medical kit from his Grandma for Christmas and loves to give everyone a shot. So I told him "they are going to give you a shot like we do at home ok" he said "ok" all excited. My poor baby got a shot of Rocephin and Decadron all in one shot. Rocephin shots hurt soooo bad! I felt horrible for suggesting it! He cried and cried and cried. They even gave him a sucker on the way out and he wouldn't eat it because he couldn't quit crying. Talk about heart break! So I got him in the car and he would quit for a minute and start back up again. We had to get prescriptions filled so we went into Brookshires and he was still crying off and on. He did manage to eat his sucker though. They finally got his scripts ready and we headed home. I picked up his favorite cheeseburger and fries for lunch hoping that would make him feel better. When we got home I sat him on his little couch while I got his plate ready. He would not move to his picnic table once his plate was ready. I sat down there by him and handed him food. He ate pretty good. He was still saying his leg hurt to I decided to give him some Motrin to ease the pain. I laid him down for a nap and two and a half hours later he woke up to the happy little boy he was before he got the shot. I am not sure if I will ever suggest a shot again!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas part 2 and more

My nephew Canyon doing his Koby Bryant impression

P and Danny in the fort

The fort Nane got him

Triston holding up the Toy Story blanket for P

Wanting his daddy to open the box

We got together with my sister, her boys and my Mom on Monday night since Sheryl and her boys were sick on NYE. They came to our house and we ordered pizza. I told Parker when I picked him up who all was coming over and when we pulled up in the drive way he started wining. I said what is wrong, he said "aunt Sheryl" like you lied to me! Once they got there he was a wild man!
We ate and then opened presents. Sheryl got him a basket ball goal, some clothes and a Toy Story blanket. Mom got him a castle fort that he can color. He loved it all! He is very good at the basket ball too! I am pretty impressed.Thank God he got his daddy's athletic ability. I think Danny would be devastated if he would have gotten mine! Danny colored some of the fort after P went to He is a great at coloring. We had a wonderful time visiting and playing. I love spending time with family!
I pick P up from school yesterday and the daycare worker told me he told her he needed to tee tee on the potty. She said she didn't believe him because his diaper was wet but she took him in there anyway and he did it! I was so proud. So this morning when I got him up to get him dressed I asked if he needed to use the potty and he said no, but then freaked out when I tried to put his diaper on. Then he told me he did need to use potty. So we go in there and he uses it. I was so excited!!! He didn't want to get off once he went, but then I told him he needed to flush and wash his hands (two things he loves to do) so he got up.
Last night after we got home Danny and I were in the kitchen cooking and P was playing in the living room. He comes into the kitchen and says look daddy. Danny asked what he had and he said booger. Danny said no I think that is poop! He loves to stick his hands down the back of his pants! GROSS! I said (in frustration without thinking) "keep your hand out of your butt!" So of course he repeats and repeats and repeats! Mommy has got to watch what she says!!! So back to the hands in diaper, we will start potty training full force soon! Thank goodness he came in and showed us his hand...i can't imagine if he hadn't!