We purchased the frog potty! Parker loves it. He has used it frequently for #1 and last night he actually did #2 on it! I was so proud of him and I think he was a little shocked! I happened to have walked out of the bathroom because he was in there playing and was supposed to be tee teeing before bed. I heard him grunt and I ran in there. He was standing and looked at me and pointed and said Momma I poo poo in the frog potty (with a confused tone). I started saying yay and getting all excited so he knew it was ok. Then I did the poo poo dance (a friend at work swears that it works) for him. He kept telling me to do it again and again...lol Hopefully we are the right track and will be without diapers in no time =)
Last Saturday I laid him down for a nap and noticed about 30 minutes later that he was still awake and in there talking. I decided to go check on him, because I knew his movie had been off for a while. I walk into the room and immediately smell poop. I look on the floor and see Parker's pants. Then notice he is standing on his knees at the head of his crib with no diaper on. Ad I get closer I see two (no better way to put it) turds in the middle of his bed! I was horrified! I was like Parker, why did you do this? Where is your diaper. He said on the changing table (just that clear too). I was just in shock! So i get all that cleaned up and his diaper and pants back on and lay him back down and he went right on to sleep! Oh and he also pointed to "it" and said what's that momma? UGH! I was NOT very happy about this! So Sunday morning I got in the shower before he got up and by the time I got out he was awake. When I go into his room, again no diaper! No poop, but also no diaper! That is when I decided that he was going to wear big boy underwear the rest of the day (while at home). He did really good all day pulling down his underwear and going to the potty. I was so proud of him! Well, Monday night (I think) he did not go to bed as soon as he got in there, he played a little. By the time I get in bed he is starting to wind down and I hear his show go off and I am pretty sure he is asleep, but I was too lazy to go turn his TV off. So I wake up at 3AM to go to the bathroom and see the light light from the TV under his door. I go in there and see his pants on the floor. walk over to his bed and he has NO diaper on!!! WHAT??? and of course he bed and shirt and everything else is nice and wet! I get him all changed along with the bedding and go back to bed. So with all of that in the last several days, I am very anxious to get him potty trained!!!
Less than a month until Danny's graduation! I am so excited to go see him and to see him graduate into a Soldier! I couldn't be more proud of him! He seems to be doing really good! His platoon has won several competitions. He said if they win more they will get recognition at graduation. I sent him a couple of the pics of Parker that he had done at school. I just printed them off of the computer. He wrote me and said he could not believe how big he has gotten. He said he almost cried when he saw them. :( Parker is going to be so happy to see him! I can not wait to see the expression on his face! The part I will hate is when we have to leave him again for 12 more weeks. But hopefully during those weeks we will be able to talk more and maybe even Skype or something.
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